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January 2023 Summit CPA Employee Spotlight: Steve Richardville

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 04 Jan 2023

Steve Richardville-1As a distributed company, not only do we serve our clients remotely, but our team members work remotely as well. We understand the accounting, bookkeeping, cash flow management, and tax nuances of running a distributed company. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide the highest quality Virtual CFO services while working remotely with (and for) our customers, and we couldn't do any of it without our amazing team.

Every month we spotlight one of our employees so you can get to know us better. This month we bring you Steve Richardville. Steve has been with Summit CPA Group for almost six years. He is a Senior Financial Data Analyst here at Summit CPA Group.


Here are 10 things about our January Employee Spotlight, Steve Richardville!

  1. You can only eat one food again for the rest of your life.
    Pepperoni Pizza 
  1. Beer or Wine?
    Beer, never choose wine. 
  1. What is your favorite type of sandwich?
    Chicken Teriyaki Sub. 
  1. Imagine you can instantly learn any language.
  1. Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs?
    Small dogs, I own a small dog!

  2. What was your favorite class in high school?


  3. What is your favorite part of working from home?
    Flexibility of work schedule, privacy and I get to see my dog whenever I want. 
  1. What do you usually eat for a quick lunch?
    Campbells Chunky Soup.

  2. What is your favorite movie?
    Growing up I loved watching Major Payne, besides that I enjoy any scary/horror movie. 
  1. Which song could you listen to over and over again?
    Too tough to name one, any song by Bring Me The Horizon would be ideal though.


Do you want to work for one of the top 100 remote companies? Visit our career opportunities page.

