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Best Advice for Remote First Companies

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 23 Dec 2021

The Virtual CPA Success Show: Episode 50


Coming off conferences around the state, our host and Director of Accounting, Jamie Nau together with our founders, Jody Grunden and Adam Hale, bring about a hot topic that's been making a lot of buzz in the industry.

In this episode, they share what they learned and from experience and give sound advice for remote first companies. Highlighting three important foundations that make Summit CPA Group a successful remote workplace — People, Processes, and Tools.






Episode quote:

"Just do it. It's one of those things that if you think about it and you try and make it perfect it never will be. No one working in the office will ever be perfect. So (it always) comes out of your comfort zone and step into the risky area and go remote. You just have to do it."

- Jody Grunden


The finer details of this episode :

  • What to consider and what to prepare for before going remote

  • How to start and how to maintain a remote workplace

  • What helped Summit CPA Group? (Tools, processes, people management)

  • People management strategies Summit CPA Group implemented - what works and what doesn't


Episode resources:

Enjoy this episode? Subscribe to The Virtual CPA Success Show for Creative Agencies to get more tips and strategies for achieving creative agency success. We're here to be a resource in this ever-changing industry.


Available via iTunesSpotifyStitcher, and more!


Best Advice for Remote First Companies


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Episode 50 - Best Advice for Remote First Companies 👉 https://ctt.ec/hed7e+


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