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Methods to Reach Innovative Achievements in Business

Published by Jody Grunden on 10 Jan 2024

As a business owner looking to scale your company, it's easy to assume that today's technological advances will ensure your enterprise's longevity. With the volume of new, ever-evolving software regularly thrust in our faces, it's hard not to be tempted to try the latest applications that promise results. However, you don't have to turn to the newest digital platform to take your company to the next level. At Summit Virtual CFO by Anders, we find that sometimes "old school" business practices and approaches can yield innovative results. Listed below are a few of those old standbys that we swear by. In a recent podcast, I interviewed Greg Cleary, founder of Pinnacle Business Guides, he had some great advice. Read below to find out!

  1. Connecting with current and prospective clients over the phone instead of by email or text. Nowadays, it’s more common than ever to talk to your clients via text message, a type of communication typicallyApproved image--EMPLOYING  “OLD SCHOOL” METHODS TO REACH INNOVATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS IN BUSINESS reserved for loved ones. Greg believes that a phone call is still one of the best forms of communication, if you can’t meet in person. At Summit, we rarely email our clients, as we prefer to communicate with them through video calls. This type of engagement allows us to build a stronger connection with our clients, as it allows for eye contact and facial expressions.

    With that in mind, it's also easy to hide behind walls of blog posts, white papers, and other materials that tell the public the value of your services. To grow your business by developing a more extensive client base, we recommend stepping out from behind your company's online content and connecting with prospective clients by video chat. In doing so, you're more likely to establish a solid connection with prospective clients, which can lead to securing more contracts.

  2. Keep learning and growing your knowledge base. Staying up to date on everything from what's happening in your industry to the latest business practices and frameworks is a must if you want your business to stay relevant and operational for years to come. You can accomplish this by hitting the books and continuing to read news and theories that pertain to your company. This research will provide you with tools you can use to devise innovative solutions to business challenges as they arise. In doing so, you'll be able to change your organization at a rate that matches the speed at which the world is evolving around you, thereby ensuring your company's longevity.

  3. Employ a business coach. Good old fashion advice from someone who knows what they're talking about will never go out of style. Having a business coach on your team who can guide you and provide insight that will help you accomplish your business goals is helpful. When looking for a coach, we suggest engaging someone who will empower and challenge you by telling you when you're wrong and cheering you on when you're right. A good coach will ask you questions you hadn't thought of before and help you improve your current business practices and operational systems. Their advice, which should be rooted in firsthand experience, will help you get your business to the next level financially.

You don't have to invest in the latest technology to make moves that ensure a bright future for your business. By employing the retro tactics mentioned above, you will be well on your way toward continued business success.