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Strengthen Your Brand and Grow Your Business by Podcasting

Published by Hannah Hood on 18 Oct 2024

If you haven’t already noticed, direct marketing campaigns have become outdated in the 21st century. These days, if you’re the owner of a service-based business looking to boost your pipeline, indirect marketing techniques are necessary. While content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are still great ways to boost your business’s profile, podcasting is another solid option.

Strengthen Your Brand and Grow Your Business by  podcasting

Podcasting is a way to position your company and your team as thought leaders in your respective industry. At Summit Virtual CFO by Anders, we have a robust marketing strategy that centers on developing and distributing thought leadership content. By pursuing this path, we have seen our client list and bottom line grow.

Recently, I sat down with Julie Fry, the CEO of Your Expert Guest, the leading podcast guest booking agency for female founders. During the episode, we discussed how impactful podcasting is for service-based businesses and why that’s the case. Ultimately, guesting on relevant podcasts helps position your company as a leader in your field and serves as a way to promote your business to your target demographic. 

Below are a few additional reasons to consider pursuing this marketing method.

Podcasting can help grow your client list.

It’s no secret that service-based businesses rely heavily on referrals to increase their customer base. Guesting on a podcast is an opportunity to expand your referral network. According to Julie, “When you’re guesting on podcasts, it’s kind of taking your referral business and putting it on steroids because you’re getting this very unique and rare opportunity to spend 30 minutes to an hour with another business owner who has this network of listeners who already know and trust them. It’s sort of a two-for-one because you’re getting in front of the listeners, and you’re building this great relationship with the host.”

Also, podcast episodes typically remain live on the internet in perpetuity, which means that potential clients can listen to the episode you guested on and learn more about your company months or even years after the episode’s release date. This fact yields a return on investment that is almost too good to be true.

Podcasting is a better option for the social media averse.

Some business owners who advertise on social media platforms are becoming less reliant on this marketing technique. Julie explains, “A lot of peopleStrengthen Your Brand and Grow Your Business by  podcasting (2) are starting to feel that social media marketing, because of algorithm changes, is not as reliable as it used to be for many people that relied on either ads or organic posts for their business visibility.”

The shifting algorithm makes it more challenging for business owners to get a clear idea of whether their advertisements will reach their desired audience, if anyone at all. Fortunately, guesting on podcasts means you can repurpose episode content and share it via your company’s social media channels without having to invest as many resources in developing new content specifically for those platforms – we call this the content “windmill.”

Podcasting is a great opportunity for professional development.

Smaller companies that leverage podcasts to market their services typically tap their CEO to guest. However, larger companies are known to put others on their leadership team in the guest role. As someone who has grown professionally by serving as a podcast host, I recommend asking your broader team if they’re interested in guesting on a podcast. As Julie says, “You’re helping develop them professionally, you’re keeping them excited about what they’re doing because they’re getting to try something new and, maybe if it’s something they’ve considered before, they get to exercise that muscle; so what a great way to spread the opportunity around to other team members.”

Having other team members guest is also a way to boost retention because staff who continue to serve in this role are more likely to become champions for your brand and more closely associated with your company. “When people feel invested in your company’s mission and vision,” Julie says, “they’re more likely to feel engaged and involved and a part of it.”

Guesting on podcasts is a great way to position your company and team as thought leaders, market your services to your target audience, and leverage the credibility of podcast hosts to expand your customer base. Consider investing in this specific marketing technique to bolster your brand and grow your business. 

If you’d like to learn about how our virtual CFO services could help you reach business goals, schedule a free consultation below. 

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