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Dealing with Angry Customers

Published by Kristen Reinking on 22 Mar 2018

When you are a business owner, chances are sooner or later you’re bound to get an irate client.  Your client may be upset about a late or defective product or service, etc. No matter what the client is angry about, you need to know how to handle the situation in the best interest of both parties. Below are a few ideas that may be helpful in calming and resolving the situation.secretary_working_at_desk_7540 - Copy

* Don’t be defensive or make excuses. The customer wants a resolution to the problem.  Repeating one point several times will only irritate the already upset customer.

* Listen to your customers. Showing a little empathy will help calm the customer down and allow you to find out exactly what the problem is. Allow the customer to explain exactly what happened. Let your customer know that you are eager to resolve the problem in a way that is satisfactory to all parties involved.

* Address each point of concern calmly and work through them with the customer.

* Miscommunication between you and your customer may result in failed expectations. Give your clients a clear cut explanation of the process you will take to resolve the misunderstanding. Having clear communication from the start goes a long way in reducing customer dissatisfaction in the future.

* Describe what you are doing, how you will get it done, and why you are taking those steps to resolve the issue.

* Many clients value their privacy and do not want their information to be made available to just anyone. Assure them that their privacy is a priority, though for the sake of efficiency there may be other staff members that may also be working on their account and need to access their account information.

Note: A satisfied customer is a return customer that will tell your potential customers how well they were treated by your business.

At Summit CPA we offer multiple resources to keep your business on the right track. For more tips, contact our office at (866) 497-9761 to schedule an appointment with our Virtual CFO.

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