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Stand Out in the Competitive RFP Process

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 21 Sep 2023

The Virtual CPA Success Show: Episode 98

In this episode, Jody and Joey are joined by Lauren Minors, the Director of Partnerships and Marketing at Reason One, a full-service digital agency. They discuss the challenges and strategies involved in the RFP (request for proposal) process. Lauren emphasizes the importance of understanding the client's needs and delivering value beyond just the requested services. She shares her experience of working on numerous RFPs and highlights common mistakes made in the process. The conversation also touches on bidding against incumbent agencies, maintaining long-term relationships with clients, and the significance of understanding why clients choose an agency for their project.


Intro (00:00:00) - Welcome to the Virtual CPA Success Show for creative agencies. The go to resource for agency owners looking to scale their business. Join us every week to stay ahead of the curve and position your agency for future success.

Joey (00:00:15) - Hey, the listeners on today's episode of the Virtual CPA Success show, Jody Grunin and talked about all things RFPs and health care with Lauren Meyers, the director of partnerships and marketing at Region one. We touched on some trends in the health care space, how to compete with an incumbent agency for new work, and what sort of feedback you should be asking for after your pitch. Also, be sure to stick around to the end of the show to hear Jody plan my next big road trip. We hope you all enjoy the show. Hi everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Virtual CPA Success Show. I'm your host today, Joey Kinney, joined, as always, by Jody Grondin. Hi, Jodi. How are you today? 

Jody (00:00:51) Oh, doing well, Joey. Thanks for. Having me.

Joey  (00:00:53) - Of course.

Joey (00:00:53) - We are joined today by Lauren Minors, the director of partnership and marketing at Reason one, a digital agency. I think you guys are all over the place, but you're based in South Dakota, correct?

Lauren (00:01:04) - We have a hub in Charleston, South Carolina, which is where I am. And then we have several team members who are also across the border up in Canada, too. So we are we're all over the place. Yeah, we're international, as it were.

Joey (00:01:19) - Well, as you and most of our audience probably know, we're big fans of the fully remote team and happy to hear you've got some international experience as well. What are some things about your work at Reason one that you'd like to share?

Lauren (00:01:31) - So just to set the stage, reason one, we're about, like we said, fully remote digital agency and we serve primarily the health care industry. So that's health care systems and hospitals. It's also associations that are associated with particular practice areas and then also philanthropy. So the fundraising arm of hospital systems and yeah, I think we wanted to dive into some some tips and tricks or some some universal truths around RFDs today.

Lauren (00:02:02) - Right.

Joey (00:02:05) - I think I think that's a great place to start. And I've got a number of clients in the digital space and not in the digital space who are kind of they're feeling some more headwinds in the economy right now. Things in the pipeline haven't been, as I would say, fluid as they've been in the past. And we're noticing that proposals are taking longer. There's more pushback back and forth on. So what are some things that you guys are seeing in your space as you're working on the marketing arm of your company trying to get either renewed or new projects?

Lauren (00:02:36) - Yeah, that's a good point. We're experiencing that as well. And I feel like everybody else that I've talked to, regardless of like I said, we're in the health care space, but it doesn't it seems to not really matter what vertical you're in right now is that everyone has kind of a slower pipeline. And we have been responding to more than usual this year. I'm not sure what that's if that's like just some turnover in our own clientele and like what their processes are or if that's just in response to the market.

Lauren (00:03:06) - Everyone's hungry, everybody is out there trying to get to catch those leads. So, so yeah, we've had a ton go out recently and, and one thing we're seeing too is a lot of clients that are not going just right back with the incumbent. You know, we've been invited to a lot of dances where the incumbents weren't part of the equation or were eliminated really quickly because they're looking for new blood. So that really kind of tells you that the RFP process is going to become think more and more competitive, especially in our in our markets. Yeah.

Jody (00:03:46) - Yeah. And just kind of clarify. Lauren, you deal with primarily.

Lauren (00:03:49) - I do, yeah, currently. But in my career I've done, I've been living in the RFP space for probably like 15 years or so. And, you know, there's just, there are things across industries that are universally true. So manufacturing, K-12 health, higher ed like it's all of these issues that that agencies are coming up against. In other businesses. It's the same across the board.

Lauren (00:04:16) - It's not necessarily unique to healthcare or unique to hospital systems.

Jody (00:04:22) - Mhm. Yeah. And I'm just kind of curious with in particular with the health care industry itself, you know, it's always evolving and stuff. So how are you making sure that your proposals are remaining, you know, relevant to up to date standards and advancements?

Lauren (00:04:35) - Well, so I think it's less than, it's less what's happening in the actual industry and more understanding the client and what they are up against. So in that sense it is, you know, what's the high level of, of what's happening in the industry? Um, but, but knowing how that affects the individual and the team that is seeking services and what they are responding to. So, you know, for instance, if they're putting out an RFP for a brand new website build, yeah, that's what they need at the end of the day. Um, but what they're really looking for is patient acquisition. What they're really looking for is conversion. And what they're really looking for is job security.

Lauren (00:05:23) - So it's up to us to deliver that. And like, yeah, at the end of the day you're going to get a website, but what are you really providing? And then how do you communicate that through the RFP process? It's a little bit of a counterintuitive way to look at it because you think like, Oh, okay, like we can do this. We have the process, we have the experience, we have, you know, the portfolio and all this kind of stuff. But yeah, so does everybody else. So how are you communicating? That's the challenge is how are you communicating your unique value when you're up against 15 other agencies that can do the same thing?

Jody (00:05:59) - Um. And I'm sure you've, you've you mentioned you've done over 600 to 700 reps over your career, which is a lot, which can't even spell our fee. So I mean that's tells you, I mean, I've actually done, um, I'm sure you've had tons and tons of mistakes over, over the period of time.

Jody (00:06:17) - Can you, would you mind share with us a few of those and then how you can avoid those mistakes going forward and what you've learned from those, I guess, because I'm sure you've had that ideal client, right, that you thought, Oh, we're going to get it for sure, and then all of a sudden you didn't get it and and you find out, Well, yes.

Lauren (00:06:34) - I mean, well, I mean, I can tell I can tell some some war stories for sure. But, you know, I think that where people mess up across the board and let me back up and say that the challenge is that I think everyone's up against, regardless of your industry, whether you're a digital agency or something else, regardless of what industry you're responding to, Everyone has the same set of challenges, which is not enough time to respond, not enough bodies to throw it. The response to make it really thoughtful, Sometimes not enough Intel to really craft a response like that is empathetic to the actual needs of the client.

Lauren (00:07:16) - So I just want a level set that like everyone has those problems. So if you're thinking like, Yeah, but I can't because whatever. Well, you're super not alone, but the mistakes that people make are more mistakes. I think of just like process and not thinking it through, right? So understanding that, yes, you have limited time, that doesn't mean just throw all your boilerplate in there and change some names and RFP numbers on the cover letter like whoever receives that is going to be able to see right through it. So, um, you know, I think the main mistake is not having not having a good strategy when you get that RFP in knowing exactly why you were responding to it, what value you're bringing. So. You know, it's not like missing periods or bug dust or, you know, oh, whoops. We gave the wrong phone number for a reference. Right. It's the lack of time and thought that goes through it. From the minute you get that RFP in your inbox to the minute it hits the client's desk.

Jody (00:08:36) - Sounds like it's pretty personalized to the client then, right? I mean, I think that's kind of what you're getting at. How would you find out more about that client to make it personalized?

Lauren (00:08:45) - And this isn't always not always possible, but to if you're able to disrupt a little bit and get on the phone with them and ask them really what they need, they're going to tell you a lot more than what's in that RFP document, because that RFP document, we've all seen them like, Oh, this looks like it was copied and pasted from something else. Like, yeah, it probably was because they're busy too. You know, they just need to get this stuff done. So having being able to have that conversation with them, if you're able to super key. Make sure you're asking your questions during the question review period and ask really smart questions, not just like, well, this is our list that we usually ask to make sure that we're going to be compliant. Um, if you're not able to have those conversations, as do as much of your homework online as you can stop them on LinkedIn, find out who I'm serious, find out who is going to be reviewing it.

Lauren (00:09:47) - Because at the end of the day, I mean, think about it. It's a proposal. You are you are asking someone to spend a significant amount of money and time with you and the result is really critical. So approach it with that mindset. Find out as much as you can about these people and what matters to them. Right? So not just necessarily what matters to their organization, because that's pretty obvious on the surface. But you know, is this marketing manager new in their role? Is this their opportunity to prove themselves? Your job in the RFP is to assure them that you're going to make them look good. Is this someone who's on their way out and this is their last big project before they retire? You're, we're going to send you off in a blaze of glory, my friend. Like, this is going to be your legacy and you're going to love it. So as much as you're able to kind of get a sense for who the individuals are, the better you are kind of setting up for yourself.

Lauren (00:10:45) - Because when you do your kickoff at the beginning, you're like, okay, well, we know that these six people are going to be reviewing this. How are we going to take care of each one of them throughout the rest of this proposal? What matters most to them and make sure that those things kind of come out throughout the entire document as each individual is able to read through it. Now, sometimes you have situations where you have like 20 something people on a review committee. Can you do that for all 20 something people? Probably not. Also, if you've got that many people on a review committee, good luck.

Lauren (00:11:17) - So yeah.

Joey (00:11:23) - Lauren, I wanted to circle back real quick to something you mentioned earlier because I thought this was very interesting. You mentioned that recently you've been asked to bid and have been competing against incumbent agencies who've had long standing relationships with clients and have in certain cases sound like you were you won the contract and had beaten out those incumbents. If we learn anything from work, it's that work.

Joey (00:11:46) - This is real. Like people don't like change. And so sometimes, you know, getting a new project, taking out an incumbent is a very scary idea to especially some of our smaller agencies who maybe don't have as many resources to throw at a proposal. What are some things that you've learned in those processes that might be helpful for for.

Lauren (00:12:08) - Positioning to overthrow an incumbent? You mean, Oh.

Joey (00:12:13) - Or bidding on a new project that they maybe don't have a lot of history with, but know it's like right up their alley and they do great at it.

Lauren (00:12:19) - Oh yeah. I think, you know, if you if again, this can be a little bit tricky and it's not always easy to find. But if you if you can figure out. Who your competition is, especially who the incumbent is. Because, like, to your point, like inertia is real. People get stale or there's or there's something going on in that relationship that's no longer working. Or maybe it's someone else has come in and they just want to make a change.

Lauren (00:12:46) - Find out what it is about your competition that you can differentiate against. And that's not necessarily to say like, you know, hold up a negative mirror against them to say, we're better than that. It's we're different. Here is why our differences are going to matter to you. You know, that can be like, for example, if we're, you know, in the health care space and there's a lot of chatter about. It's not. It's not a hospital anymore. It's not a health care system. It's a suite of services. These are consumers that are coming to interact with the health care system. And you're now competing against not the other hospitals in your area, but CVS and Walmart and Amazon. How are we going to create a digital experience that's like that and understand what that approach is going to be and and and what that experience is going to be like. Because chances are the folks that have been in there for a long time are could be resting on their laurels or just say, you know, we have the relationship.

Lauren (00:13:59) - They love us. We've been in for seven years while we're in an industry where stuff changes overnight. So.

Joey (00:14:07) - Well, and just like a lot of industries too, you know, if you're looking at ROI on on investments and things like that, you know, seven years is a long time. And if you're not constantly, you know, continuing to deliver on your brand promise, you know, another thing for clients to remember too, is maybe you're the incumbent and this is something to be, you know, be aware of what other people are possibly doing to try to show their value. Exactly.

Lauren (00:14:31) - I mean, if you have those relationships, you also probably have a target on your back. And, you know, this is straying from the RFP and like into the long term relationship. But, you know, if you're a client, you think you want industry partners, you want agency partners that are going to continue to push you. You don't want someone to show up. I like to say show up and throw up like, look how great we are because just because we're awesome, know you.

Lauren (00:15:02) - You want someone that's going to make you a little bit uncomfortable and push on you. And and frankly, I mean, I think as agencies, we should want that too. We want to have that little bit of friction and push in the relationship. And so, you know, how can you demonstrate that from the outset of the relationship before you even have a contract? How can you demonstrate what you're going to do for them, not in the deliverable that gets produced in the end of whatever, a year, 18 months, but over the course of that relationship, because that's really what matters. It's not necessarily the bunch of pickles that we all produce at the end. It's that relationship and how are we going to make each other better?

Joey (00:15:47) - Well, I'm sure, Jody, you can speak to this, too. This is, this goes so much further than beyond just digital agencies. I'm sure we see that with our consulting from time to time where you build up a nice rapport, a nice relationship with our clients, and sometimes it helps to have another advisor just kind of come in and say, Hey, what am I missing here? What's gotten stale in my consulting? Am I missing anything? So, Jody, I'd love to hear a little bit about how you handle this from the accounting side of the world and dealing with these relationships.

Jody (00:16:17) - Yeah, no, I think it's. I mean, I think it's super important that we have we understand that keeping a team, a client happy and satisfied, keeping clients a lot cheaper than actually going out and doing an RFP and really bidding for it because RFPs cost a ton of money and a ton of money in regarding time, because you I can't imagine the hours and hours and hours you get put putting together a really solid RFP for a client. So, you know, I think the key there is, you know, trying to retain clients is going to be super important or maybe as important, if not more important than going out and attracting new clients. And so I think that's an important thing. Important concept that you brought up, Joey. I think, you know, constantly reevaluating, sending out constant notices to clients. How you doing, giving them calls and just kind of getting good feedback on how we can improve things, bringing in other people to kind of oversee things and just kind of get a second eye on things just to make sure that, you know, you're in the weeds so often that a lot of times you can't really see what's actually happening.

Jody (00:17:24) - And I think that's important going through, which kind of piggybacks off of my my my question I've got for you, Lauren, is that, you know, because of the cost involved in it, you know, you've got to be I would think you'd have to be pretty selective on what RFPs you actually respond to. What are some of those criteria that you use to say, you know, hey, this is an RFP that I think that we can win or I think this is a perfect fit for you.

Lauren (00:17:51) - That's a great question. And we don't do this now because we kind of have this dialed in so well right now with our positioning in the health care market. But in other in other companies where I've worked, where we had like 5 or 6 markets and projects of wildly varying size, it really helps to have like a no go, a go no go sheet or process where you are scoring each criteria and those criteria are going to vary, but a lot of times it's, first of all, can we be profitable? And if we can't, is this a project that is like a foot in the door that we're willing to invest on because we see the value, the long term value with this client? So that's a really, really important conversation to have off the top.

Lauren (00:18:43) - After that, it's can we meet all of their criteria? So, you know, if you've got an RFP where they're saying, well, we want to see five projects that you've done for a consumer brand and you've got one. You either need to be real honest with yourselves about like, this is a gap and figure out how you're going to close it rhetorically because on their little check sheet, like, well, they only have one retail experience, you know, and we asked for five. So it's having those hard conversations about that, about actual compliance. Do you have the resources to compete to actually complete their job by the time that they are looking for you to complete it? We all know that client timelines can sometimes be a little unrealistic. And then how are you going to address that if that's going to be a struggle for you? So I think, you know, like it's whatever makes the most sense for your agency. But those are like the I would say the biggest ones is can you make money? If not, why is that okay? Can you be compliant to what they're looking for? Can you complete the work? And then all of the rest is I think, just kind of dependent upon your market position and what you're trying to achieve.

Jody (00:20:11) - Yeah, I love that because I think a lot of the things with client retention is basically coming in with the right, with the right frame of mind. And the right client to begin with is very huge. You know, kind of on the next stage of that journey there. So you've got the RFP, you won the client. You know, one of the biggest things that we see is there's a disconnect from what the project management team looks at it and thinks, Oh, this is what we're supposed to be doing. And here's what we as business development or sales people in the RFP say. You know, hey, here's what we promised. How do you bridge that gap between the team performing the work and you're out there? 

Lauren (00:20:52) - To answer your question. I think the best way to bridge that gap is to have your account directors, account managers and project managers involved while you are crafting your RFP response. And that's for two reasons. One, they're going to keep you honest because, you know, when you're when you've got that project on a hook that's like, oh man, this could be a game changer.

Lauren (00:21:14) - Like, Oh dude, I really want to get this logo for the website. Like it is so easy for us extroverted business development people to just get super excited. So like get those folks involved early to keep you honest about what's feasible and realistic and, and two, that gives them all of that context at the top so that when you go to the pitch, they're ready. You're not educating them right before the pitch and you're not educating them at hand-off. So get them involved even if it's just like, Hey guys, I just need you to look over this, you know, budget spreadsheet or whatever, get them involved early, get them already in that context. So that handoff is is much smoother. Yeah.

Joey (00:22:06) - So one of the things that I'm curious about to kind of along the same lines and Jody and I are accountants, so we can't help this, but when I think of this process, I'm like, okay, this is all great, but what sort of infrastructure have you put in place to measure your success in these RFPs in terms of like, do you track how many you send out versus what types of proposal, how your response is from the client on that? And what sort of tracking do you do to.

Lauren (00:22:32) - Yeah. So we track all of our sales. We use HubSpot. It's a great tool and we have it set up to where, you know, we know if we send in an RFP or if it was just an SOW and then, you know, whether we win or lose, always ask for a debrief. Why did you pick us? Why did you not pick us? And then create some sort of notes, document on that and share with the team. Make sure that anyone who touched that RFP knows why it won or why it lost. That's going to help with transparency and it's going to man, I'll tell you what, when you get that loss feedback, it lodges in your brain and it can become a hindrance, right? You can be like, oh, I don't want to trip over that rock again. So then everything becomes a rock. No, that was a rock for that one client. You might not trip over it, but this other one. But just continuing to to understand where your weaknesses lie, document them, figure out, all right, how are we going to overcome this in the next round or the next the next time this comes up? Or like I was saying earlier, do we know that that's a big enough gap that we are not going to be able to overcome it? Let's not spend the time to your point, Jody, like the.

Lauren (00:23:52) - It's expensive. I mean, these can cost 20 to $80,000 to respond to. Is it worth that if you know that you have a gap like, you know, save yourself the heartache and the expense? So, yeah, so I mean, if you have a CRM, if you have a sales process, just documenting it in there and, and making sure that the team knows because, um, because they'll remember those things too when they approach the next opportunity or remember.

Jody (00:24:26) - Yeah. When it comes to when losing. Winning the deal, I guess there's winning the deal and losing the deal. Right? And so. So with winning the deal, do you kind of circle back and ask them why we want it?

Lauren (00:24:38) - I always recommend.

Jody (00:24:39) - That. Or do you just always.

Lauren (00:24:41) - Get in that and. Yeah, and some people can be really shy about that, right? Because it kind of feels like, well, they, they, you know, they picked us.

Lauren (00:24:48) - We shouldn't ask like, well, why did you ask for a second date? You know, it seems like kind of a weird thing to ask, but like we sort of need to know because that's what's going to make you successful when you are in. Are you when you're in the weeds? Like, this is why they loved us. Let's make sure that they keep loving us for these reasons and find new reasons to love us. So that doesn't always happen because it is a little bit of an awkward question. I don't know why it's more awkward then why did you not pick us? That seems like the harder question to ask. But yeah, I would always recommend, ask why, and because you're going to be doing that. Like once you have them kind of in your cycle and you're working with them and everything, you're going to be sending out client surveys, you're going to ask them anyway, like, just go ahead and get practice of asking.

Jody (00:25:37) - Yeah, because think, I think a lot of times it's kind of funny, but I would hope that all onboarding teams, no matter if it's in accounting or creative agencies or law or whatever.

Jody (00:25:48) - Ask that simple question. And the reason why that question is so important is because we all have a preconceived idea in our head why somebody picked us. That doesn't mean we're right. That doesn't mean we're even close to being right. It could, we could be thinking, oh, because we were the best price option, because we had the most talent in our in our pool or we had whatever. And then you ask him, it's like, no, because you guys are right down the street. Yeah. It's like, yeah, Oh yeah, you know that even that wasn't even.

Lauren (00:26:18) - And you mentioned price. Like, what if that's the reason? What's your response then? Oh, no, maybe we need to revisit our rates, you know, like you need to know because it might sound like, yeah, that's a great reason, but it might actually be like, Oh, no, we need to do some reflection on this because that that might not be to our advantage long term.

Jody (00:26:41) - Yeah. You know, and plus, if it is the fact that, hey, you're down the street. Well, the reason. Well, that's the reason why they hired you. So you may want to think about that during the process that maybe they need some one on one attention face to face, or that you may be thinking that you're completely virtual or if it is price, you know, yeah, that that could be a problem long term, you know, for us as a as a firm. But there's a lot of different reasons and you want to make sure that, hey, that you're hitting those reasons that they hired you during that whole process so that you meet their expectations. Right?

Lauren (00:27:14) - Exactly. It's a great way to benchmark right off the top, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Very good. Good point.

Joey (00:27:24) - What I think it's about that time in the show where we stop talking about the fun stuff and ask the really interesting questions here.

Jody (00:27:31) - And here we go.

Joey (00:27:34) - It's the summertime, and since we're all in the remote world, we think about travel a lot and these things.

Joey (00:27:40) - And I'm intrigued by the map that's behind you of South America.

Jody (00:27:44) - I know you're going that way. I know you're going.

Joey (00:27:46) - Yeah, you know, it's predictable, but, you know, you can rely on it like a Swiss clock, you know, just every time. So here's a question for you that I you might have an answer for. You might not. So if I need to go first while you all are figuring out because I know my answer, thinking of South America and thinking of vacations, is there a place that you've always wanted to go that's on your bucket list that you haven't done yet? Yes.

Lauren (00:28:08) - And I'm not sure we're hoping this is going to happen in the next couple of years. But Argentina is our next big trip. Yeah. Yeah. Just a little side note. So this map was given to me by my cousin right after my husband and I got married. It just happened to be. This is the only, like, wall in my house big enough to support it.

Lauren (00:28:28) - But we she gave it to us because we spent our honeymoon in Ecuador. And when we did that, we were like, Oh, this is such an easy like it's, you know, you don't lose any time and time zone situation. So. So we've been staring at this map for well over a decade, and Argentina is next, hopefully.

Joey (00:28:49) - Well, I just. I just had one of my clients just got back from Buenos Aires and said it was an absolutely wonderful place.

Lauren (00:28:57) - Oh, man. How cool

Joey (00:28:58) - That's a good one to be on the list.

Lauren (00:29:01) - How about you?

Jody (00:29:03) - Now, I 100% agree on that one because I met a middle gentleman that's actually lives in South America. He's from Canada, but lives in South America, and he's been down there for a couple of years now and just loves it. He's like, you know, it's a must place. Come visit anytime you want. This is he would never come back to North America at all. There's no way he's lived all over the place in South America is definitely where he's going to be living for a long time.

Jody (00:29:33) - The place that I would like to go to and heard a lot about is Iceland. Um, kind of maybe, maybe people are thinking, Wow, why Iceland? And it's like, well, it sounds like, you know, it's, you know, you got glaciers, you got volcanoes, you got all these really cool things that you really don't see on a day to day basis. And I think it would be it'd be neat to spend, you know, maybe a week, week and a half, two weeks in Iceland just kind of, you know, you know, doing the hiking, you know, doing the trails and really kind of just seeing what nature is all about and then possibly leaving the phone maybe in the airplane on accident when you get dropped off for that. So it doesn't take you back to the world of, oh.

Lauren (00:30:16) - Yeah, I fully support Iceland leaving.

Jody (00:30:19) - Your place that I've I've always wanted to I always wanted to kind of just venture out and see what it's all about.

Joey (00:30:25) - Yeah. What? Jody kind of. He tangentially stole mine. So living. Living in the desert. I am. I am fascinated with snow. It's my favorite thing. Jody is over here rolling his eyes like we get plenty of that in Indy. Don't worry about it. It's fine. You don't need it. Well, we do need it here in the desert. We love it. So one of the things that my wife and I really want to do at some point is we need to see the northern lights. So whether that's Iceland, whether that's up in in like Norway or Sweden or I've, you know, I've had relatives have gone to Denali in Alaska and have seen the northern lights up there wherever we can get to see those, that's where we need to be. So that's, on our list. I don't know how I'm going to get there because I'm not the best flyer. It's a long drive to Alaska, but we could do it.

Lauren (00:31:11) - Yeah.

Jody (00:31:13) - You know, Alaska is pretty nice.

Jody (00:31:14) - I mean, I've not been there, but, you know, that's another one that I would love to go I would love to go there. That it's very similar to Iceland, I think, and in a lot of different ways. Yeah, I've heard a lot of people go to Alaska and just have a great time and yeah, you can drive to Alaska just so that, you know, I've got a former client that rode a motorcycle all the way to Alaska. Yeah.

Lauren (00:31:38) - Wow.

Jody (00:31:40) - Yeah, there's like ten of them.

Lauren (00:31:42) - That's a story.

Jody (00:31:43) - Yeah. I went on a motorcycle ride all the way from Indiana to Alaska.

Lauren (00:31:49) - It can be done to I think you should. Yeah. Map that mean. And think about it. All the stuff that you'll see on the way that you would just, you know you miss from the sky. So it's an opportunity it's a feature, not a bug.

Joey (00:32:05) - Exactly. Exactly. You just got to build that into the road trip, Right? You know, say, hey, we're going to stop here, here, here, here and here, and and then you're there.

Joey (00:32:12) - Make the journey part of the part of the thing. Well, Lauren, thank you so much for joining us. Real quick for our audience is where's the best way to find information on you and reason one, if they have any questions or would like to reach out to you.

Lauren (00:32:27) - Oh, sure, absolutely. I'm happy to share that. You can go to our website. reason1inc.com and you can connect with me on LinkedIn. I think I'm the only Lauren Minors out there, so it should be pretty easy to find. It's nice having a unique name. Yeah, and I'd be happy to chat all things RFP or health care digital with anyone who's curious.

Joey (00:32:54) - Well, thank you so much. It's been a great time chatting with you and looking forward to the next one.

Lauren (00:32:58) - And thank you so much. This has been lovely. Appreciate it.

intro (00:33:03) - Enjoy this podcast. Visit our website summitcpa.net to get more tips and strategy for achieving business success. We're here to be a resource in this ever changing industry.


Pick Me: How to Stand Out in the Competitive RFP Process with Lauren Minors