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Finding Balance in Life as an Entrepreneur - Coach Bob Shenefelt

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 05 Mar 2024

Robert Shenefelt, best known as Coach Bob, joins Jody and Joey to discuss the importance of finding the right team for business success and the significance of trust, communication, and self-care in creating a positive work environment. Coach Bob is a visionary, founder of iMatter, and best-selling author. During the conversation, he shares his entrepreneurial journey, business and life operating systems, and insights on finding balance and fulfillment in life.



Episode Notes

“I went through life going through the motions. Around 30, I accomplished everything I set out to do. It was then that I realized it was time to work on my life, rather than doing things I thought I was supposed to do. I hit the delete button and everything in my life started fresh, realizing what matters most and clarifying who I am.” – Bob Shenefelt


The finer details of this episode:

  • Finding the right group of people for business success

  • Defining your vision and self-actualization in pursuing happiness and fulfillment

  • Importance of trust, open communication, and positive culture in organizations


Episode resources: